


    Dear Mom and Dad,

    This Christmas came on us terribly fast. Now, I have just read this terribly great book called Vampirates, and I was wondering if you could spare a few bucks at Scholastic to get the book, I would be honored.

    The year has gone fast and I have done extremely great! Haven’t you remembered the time I’ve been responsible by organizing all my books onto the shelf? Or helping my sister fix her bed? Plus, that time when yall got me “The Son of Neptune”, I read through, it like chopping butter with a machete. Also I read all the books you gave to me, for example, Biggest book of Answers and Questions, The Red Pyramid, Super Diaper Baby 2, Cabin Fever, Ugly Truth, so I hope you see my need for books. If I don’t get books then I can get swatted like a bug. F.Y.I. books are important to me!!!

                        Yours Sincerely,


    P.S. Write back on back of paper for a reply please.

    P.P.S. I NEED BOOKS!!!
