英语常用口语15 – throw someone a curve

    目前是美国棒球季节,全国棒球大联盟(Major Leagure Baseball)比赛正进行得如火如荼,借此机会介绍一个和棒球相关的常用短语。

    To throw a curve / To throw someone a curve (curveball)

    1. To pitch a curveball to someone in baseball
    2. To confuse someone by doing something tricky or unexpected, to surprise someone with something that is difficult or unpleasant to deal with

    在棒球比赛中,throw a curve的意思是投球手投出一个弧线球(curveball)。弧线球对于击球手来说是个噩梦,因为弧线球很难打,容易将击球手淘汰出局。这个短语在棒球运动之外的意思通常指突如其来,意料之外的事情发生在某人身上,或者是用意料之外的事情让某人措手不及,无法应对。


    1. The pitcher threw John a curve, and John swung wildly against thin air. (投球手向约翰投出一个弧线球,约翰拼命一挥但是落空了。)

    2. If we put our trust in Jesus Christ, then we can still have peace and joy even when life throws us a curveball. (若是我们把信心建立在耶稣基督里,那么即使当生命中有突如其来之事发生时,我们仍能有平安和喜乐。)