打鼾 3 2010-05-26 在 我的家 重新启动健身计划,这次在网上约了几个网友一起锻炼,互相监督。 第一天练得太卖力,晚上觉得非常累,睡得也很沉。正在沉睡当中,忽然胸口被人打了一拳,听见太太说,“你在打呼。”太太这一粉拳差点把我的睡意全部打消,为了避免遭受更多的袭击,我赶紧侧身,紧靠床边睡,离得越远越好。我平时睡觉很安静的,估计这次的确锻炼的太卖力了,累得居然打鼾了。
robert 2010-05-28 于 07:10 What kind of theology is this? When nature calls, one must obey. It has nothing to do with the so-called “self-denial.” I think you are just afraid of your wife. Well, come join the PTT “怕老婆懼樂部” 打鼾跟打膈一樣, 怎麼可能放棄?
What kind of theology is this? When nature calls, one must obey. It has nothing to do with the so-called “self-denial.” I think you are just afraid of your wife. Well, come join the PTT “怕老婆懼樂部” 打鼾跟打膈一樣, 怎麼可能放棄?